A Walk Down Memory Lane

Getting old is no fun.

Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking. I'm only 25. But you know, sometimes I don't feel like it.

For instance, yesterday, I spent hours cleaning my house from top to bottom, and afterward, I felt like I was 64. My back hurt, my body was stiff, and I was ready for bed--and it was only 8:00 p.m.

Sometimes I look back on my life and think about the times when I could roll down hills without feeling a single aching muscle the next day, or when I could run around outside for hours without ever getting tired. Ah, the joys of being young(er).

Earlier, I went through a few old photographs that I have stored on my computer, and laughed about how much I had changed. I thought I'd share with you a few of the photos. Maybe you'll share some of yours and link to your post in the comments?

I went through a lot of weird phases. Like, from a big headed baby, to a "study built" pre-teen, to a beautiful "blossomed" teenager, and then into the adult that I am today. Fortunately for me and you, there are no photos on my computer of my "goth/alternative" phase. I'll save those for another day. ;)


I'm the baby on the left. Look at that dome!
My dad had the hippy look going on here.
As for my mom, well, it was the 80s.

I'm the big girl saying "NO PICTURES!" with the oversized shorts.
Hey, at least I was tan. Now, I'm a pasty white vampire.

Me at my Grandma's house. How I miss her.
Like my curled bangs? I remember that was the "thing."
This had to be 6th grade.
This picture was taken after I had "blossomed."
I was 16-years-old here and rubbing my beauty in the
face of everyone who talked crap about me when I was younger.
And then my youth disappeared.
And that's me today (on the left) with my beautiful baby sister.
I guess she isn't really much of a baby anymore.

Hey, why don't you write a post, sharing some old photographs? Link to it in the comments and we'll all take a walk down memory lane together!

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