Sick. Of. Winter.

Winter, winter, go away.

Never come back again. Ever.

I'm so tired of it. Seriously.

It has looked like this outside since November.

It makes my stomach sick. Bleh.

Last night, we had another snowstorm which I was kind of excited about. I thought maybe we would get enough snow so that my husband would be able to stay home from work. And the next morning, when I woke up, it looked exactly the same outside. We may have gotten six inches, but it looked the same. I don't know if I expected a beautiful, sparkly snow scene or what, but I damn sure didn't get that.

Okay. Maybe I'm just upset that my husband did have to work. I prefer it when he's home and as usual, I got my hopes up.

I'll never get excited about another snowstorm again...unless it's Christmas.
I miss this...

I can't wait until spring.
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