Letters, numbers, treble clefs: Oh my!

I'm mentally exhausted.

There are letters, numbers, and a giant treble clef floating around in my brain.

I took it upon myself to review all of Carter's previous music lessons with him to refresh his memory. He has learned beat, rhythm, high & low notes, and "The Music House" (the staff with "so" and "mi" as the characters in the story). He is grasping it pretty well. The next few lessons will teach him about the instrument families.

It took us 2 hours to review music. On top of that, he completed three phonics assessments, four lessons in handwriting & writing skills, and all of his normal daily lessons.

He amazes me with his intelligence. He started reading when he was three years old. I read to him often over the years, and one day, I sat a book in front of him, and asked if he knew any of the words. He started reading as if it were second nature. Since that day, he's been an avid reader.

This right here? An oxymoron.
As mentioned in a previous post, he is reading 120+ words per minute. By the end of first grade, the goal is 60-70. By the end of second grade, the goal is 105. He has already surpassed both goals and he is only halfway through the first grade.

Thankfully, we only have four phonics assessments left, and 20% of the lessons in handwriting until we can order second grade work.


We're getting there!

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