Foodies: Cilantro Lime Tilapia

My husband is an amazing cook.  He has dreams of one day opening his own restaurant, and I know, with certainty, that it would be a success. Never, and I mean never, has he made a dish that wasn't incredibly delicious. He has a rule when it comes to cooking. Make it look good, then make it taste good. And boy, does he do an excellent job of both.

Now, get this. He is allergic to fish, so you know he loves me when he goes through all kinds of craziness to cook fish for me. I handle the fish, and he cooks it, wearing gloves--being careful to never touch it.

The result of his creativity? Cilantro lime tilapia, topped with a pico de gallo combination, all atop a bed of raw spinach. I can't explain to you how juicy and delicious this meal was.

What's your favorite fish dish?

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The "Other Signs" from a Capricorn's Perspective

I love astrology. I love learning about the science behind astrology. I enjoy reading about my sun sign, and the signs of people that I know and love.

Today, I thought that I'd tell you a little bit about the 12 signs of the zodiac as I see them.

Before you go on, rest assured that this is only my opinion (as a Capricorn). You should also know that even though your sun sign might be, say, Scorpio, there are other signs that come into play as well. For example, I am sun in Capricorn (my "zodiac sign"), moon in Leo, and Taurus ascendant. I also have Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus in Capricorn, and Neptune in Capricorn, so it is safe to say that the Capricorn characteristics play a large role in my personality.

We all have various signs that play a role in our personalities and you can find out what they are by checking out your free complete natal birth chart.

I will only be focusing on sun signs today. I'll save moons for a later date. ;)

Aries - I've always known Aries' to be quite the competitive sign. Unfortunately, I haven't actually gotten to known an Aries on a more intimate level, so I don't have much to say about them, other than the ones that I have met are often quite daring. They seem to be risk takers, but always for a good cause.

Taurus - They don't call Taurus "The Bull" for nothing. They're incredibly stubborn, and if they're in a bad mood, you can bet your behind that you'll be able to tell. They do not hide these feelings, and even if they try, they're not particularly good at it. At the same time, however, that bull nature often steps aside to reveal a softie at heart. They often have a desire to nurture and protect the "weak."

Gemini - It's either hit or miss with a Gemini, for me, anyway. For the most part, I've always gotten along with them, but it seems that they're always fluttering from one thing to the next, so it's difficult for me--a more grounded individual--to get to know them on a more intimate level. They're very playful and often times flirtatious. I admire the social abilities of Gemini--the way that they never seem to be lost in a crowd like I do--even if they are.

Cancer - There is a huge difference between myself and Cancer. Despite this, however, I always feel so drawn to this sign. Cancers are incredibly protective of those that they love, and they're also nurturers at heart. These are truly the type of people that would give you the shirt off of their back. They are loyal to a fault--and this is why I often get frustrated with them. I feel like I'm always telling Cancerians to just "let it go," and unfortunately, this leaves them with the impression that I'm "cold." Cancers always have reasoning behind holding onto things. Despite this, however, we typically get along fairly well, despite our differences.

Leo - It's weird. Most of the Leos that I've met are the same people that other refer to as "insensitive" or as "a**holes." While I do understand why people think that, I also understand why a Leo acts this way. You have to understand the humor of a Leo, and you also need to understand their nature. The lion represents Leo, and this says a lot about how they feel about being "in charge." The lion is the king of the jungle, after all.  Leos love to critique, to show off their knowledge, even if it's about a person. Leos love for others to see that they know what they're talking about.

Virgo - Have you ever called a Virgo a "know-it-all?" I bet you have. They are certainly the "know-it-alls" of the Zodiac. More often than not, however, they actually do know what they're talking about. Virgos are logical--not nearly as susceptible to emotional attachments and irrational fears as other signs. They tend to look at things logically and practically. At the same time, however, they often over-analyze everything and over-explain everything. While they may seem quiet, you can be sure that their minds are not. Virgos are also pretty good at "playing a part." They can be fun and carefree around friends, but they can also be incredibly professional during a job interview. You may also notice the occasional "daredevil" streak in a Virgo--it's simply to remind him/her not to take life so seriously all the time.

Libra - Libras are the equalizers. They love peace and harmony within their environment, but at the same time, they're often getting themselves into negative situations due to their inability to say no. They often want so badly to keep the peace that they end up sacrificing their own happiness in the process. The Libras that I met have all loved to gossip. They also tend to be self-indulgent, superficial, and unreliable. On the positive side, they are usually quite resourceful and very charming.

Scorpio - I'm probably biased because my favorite people in life are Scorpios--but they're my favorites for a reason! Scorpios are mysterious and they have a magnetism that draws me in. I feel like they're the kind of people that you either love or hate--there never is an "in between." Scorpios are incredibly loyal, but they'll never hesitate to get revenge on someone who has wronged them. And you better believe that even if they don't have solid proof, yet they feel in their heart that they've been wronged, that is enough for them. They're incredibly intuitive. They have a passion that lives inside of them--a passion for love, a passion for hate. They never do something halfway. They're quick thinkers and often very witty. They can also be quite withdrawn, moody, jealous, possessive, and they often suffer from irrational fears or thoughts that hold them back or make them question the people around them.
Sagittarius - What I admire about Sagittarius is their carefree attitude towards life. It's also what I don't like particularly about them. I love that Sagittarius can go through a damn earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, and then a tornado, but they still move on with ease. It's nothing to a Sagittarius to be knocked down. They see life as a lighthearted adventure--no need to stay down for long. Often, due to this nature, Sagittarians can become destructive and impulsive. I'm quite practical, reserved, and conservative, so the Sagittarius outlook is intimidating to me.

Capricorn - Whenever I meet another Capricorn, I always feel like I'm getting a small glimpse of myself. Pieces of that person remind me of myself. Aloof. Sarcastic. Ambitious. Dry humor. You can feel the passion they have whenever they're talking about something that interests them, or something that they love. It's often difficult to get them to shut up once you get them really talking about something they enjoy. Sometimes, you'll see a Capricorn as a loner. Sometimes they'll seem like they're giving you the cold shoulder. We're stern signs, that's for sure. But what most people don't know is that beneath this tough exterior, lies a very sensitive core. We just have walls built up so that we're not scarred. Our ruling planet is cold, Saturn, which is often why our reserved nature is often mistaken for aloofness. It is also true that we often get wrapped up in the disciplines and duties of life.

Aquarius - You're a drifter. You always move from one project to the next--sometimes you even move from one relationship to the next! You never seem to have the time for emotional attachments, or to cry over something that hurt you. If you must cry, however, it's just to do it--to feel human. You're also quite the comedian.

Pisces - Sensitive creatures, you are. You love music. You love peace. You also love attention from people. You like for people to want to get to know you. This often causes you to attach yourselves too closely to things that don't last. You end up hurt a lot. You expect a lot from people, but what you expect is often totally irrational. Many times, people have no idea what you think about them. You just assume that they know. This causes a lot of heartache in your life. I love your sensitive nature--the way you don't care to cry in front of people. You wear your heart on your sleeve.

Are you a Capricorn? Do you agree with the statements above? Maybe you're a different sign that agrees or disagrees! Let me know!

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Life would be very boring without kids

Today is the first time in months that the kids have been away for a few hours.

It's eerily quiet in my house. Usually, when the kids are home and it's quiet, I immediately go running to see what they're getting into.

But not right now. It's just me and Buddha. He's just lying by the door, probably waiting on the kids to come back.

It's oddly clean in here, too. The living room floor is free of LEGOs.There are no chocolate-y hand prints on the table.

Ah, peace.

Well, not exactly.

You know, as moms, we always long for this moment. But when it comes, we have no idea what to do with ourselves.

That "calm" that we long for never really comes. It only comes once the kids are back; safe and sound in the home.

Yet, we, as moms, need these breaks every now and then. I used to think that breaks were to unwind and relax, but truth is, I don't relax at all when they're gone. Instead, I think these moments are to make us appreciate our time with our children that much more.

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New blog design!

Hey, hey, hey!

I am incredibly excited about the new blog design.

For months, I've been contemplating whether or not I should purchase a custom blog design. I've read and read about it, and many people say that it's an investment that needs to be made. I just didn't buy it. I knew that if I put my mind to it, I could design the blog to my liking without any outside help. And for free! And that's exactly what I did.

How do you like the castle I created in Gimp 2.0?

I'm a beginner, so it took about 5 hours to make. The images were the most time consuming. I used Gimp 2.0, and just goofed around with it for awhile before I created images worth using. Uploading everything and making it look pretty was actually the easiest part.

So, what do you think? Have you ever designed your own blog? Was it a success or a fail? Share your story!

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The Smells of My Childhood

I was blog hopping today, and I came across a post by Alissa on Have Stroller, Will Travel about the smells of her childhood. I thought it seemed like something fun to share, as it made me think back to my childhood and the smells that I associate with it.

After reading, feel free to leave a comment about your favorite childhood smells, or link to your blog post about it.

Summer Rain

As kids, my sisters and I used to spend a great deal of time with our closest cousins, who were rowdy boys. On summer nights, after a good rain, we'd go out and hunt nightcrawlers to use as bait in my grandpa's pond. Ever since, I have associated the smell of nighttime summer rain with my childhood---and with worms.

Garden Hose Water

The other day, I smelled hose water for the first time this year on a 60+ degree day (oh, and then it snowed two days later). I looked it up, because I was curious as to what causes it, and to my surprise, I found that it's from chemicals, like plasticizers, leaching out of your hose. I had no idea. I used to drink that stuff, and I turned out just peachy. Either way, it still doesn't change the fact that I loooooove the smell of water straight from the garden hose.

Fresh Cut Grass

I remember waking up in the summer to the sound of lawn mowers and the smell of freshly cut grass. Every time I smell a freshly mowed lawn, I reminisce about the days of my childhood--sitting on the porch swing, waving to the neighbors as they walked by, knowing everyone's name. My, how times have changed.


My mom swore by this stuff. She tells a story about a time that my uncle walked into the house around Christmas and said, "It smells like someone sh*t a Christmas tree." Ah, Pine-Sol. If I smelled it, I knew that my mom had just finished cleaning and it was time to go outside and play, so as not to mess up her house.


My parents had this eucalyptus plant on top of our entertainment center in the living room. I don't remember when they got it, but I remember walking past the entertainment center one day and saying, "What's that smell?" From that point on, I would always stop and smell it before I left the house. To this day, the smell is very relaxing to me.

Motor Oil
This one may seem weird to some, but my dad has worked as an auto-mechanic since he was a teenager. I remember him coming home in the evenings before his shower, with a distinctive "sweet" smell that I now know as motor oil. I still love this smell. It brings me comfort and security, just like my daddy always does.

So, what are some of the smells from your childhood? Feel free to share them in the comments, or link to your blog post about it.

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$25 Gift Card Giveaway to BuildASign

Head on over to Freelance Lady for your chance to win a $25 gift card to BuildASign, where you can personalize bumper stickers, business cards, banners, and more!

Contest begins at 12:00 a.m. EST on 3/18/2014 and runs until 12:00 a.m. EST on 4/1/2014.

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Let's Talk Birthday Cakes!

Ever since Carter turned one, we've been ordering custom cakes for his birthday.

We've tried out different cake shops, but we always come back to Cakes for All Occasions. They're seriously the best in our area. We're always satisfied with what we get.

Today, I wanted to share with you some pictures of the birthday cakes we've ordered over the years, simply because I love them so much.

By the way, the giant number 1 for my daughter's birthday was not created by Cakes for All Occasions, but was created by Cake Creations.
SpongeBob Cake for Carter's 2nd birthday.
Carter's first birthday cake was a giant number one, I just can't seem to find the picture of it. Either way, it was adorable. The above picture is of the SpongeBob cake for his second birthday. The cake was formed, covered in whipped icing, and then the color was airbrushed on. Carter was incredibly excited when he saw it!

CoCo from Chuggington cake for Carter's 3rd birthday.
This cake was for Carter's third birthday, which we spent at Burr Oak Cabin. It was made the same way as the SpongeBob cake--formed, then covered with whipped icing, and then airbrushed with color. He had such a great time on his third birthday!

For his fourth birthday, he had a He-Man cake which was created by Cake Creations. Again, I know I have a picture, I'm just not sure where.

Mario cake for Carter's 5th birthday.
For the big number 5, we ordered two cakes. One was a three-dimensional cake (above), and the other was a standard sheet cake. It was marble cake with buttercream frosting. The nose of the three-dimensional cake was accidentally "smooshed" by my husband while he was showing it off.
This was another Mario cake for Carter's 5th birthday. Yes. We ordered two.
The Mario cakes were by far our favorite. The standard sheet cake came with lots of figurines (not pictured, Carter took them off) like Yoshi, Toad, Princess, Luigi, Mario (pictured) and Bowser (also pictured).
Sonic cake for Carter's 6th birthday.
Finally, for his sixth birthday, he wanted a Sonic cake. This one was also marble cake with buttercream frosting.
I'm not sure what kind of cake he'll want for his 7th birthday, but I'm thinking it'll have something to do with Minecraft.
For Ireland's first birthday, we've kept the tradition alive. We ordered this marble cake with whipped icing from Cake Creations. How cute is that?
Do you have any birthday traditions? What's your favorite kind of cake?

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What you should know about me if we're going to be BFFs

I just read "Things You Should Know About Me if We're Gonna Be BFF" on Little Miss Momma (who, might I add, has an awesome little blog), and I felt inspired, so I thought I'd go ahead and write up my own.

Because who knows? Maybe one day we'll be best friends forever--or blog friends forever. Whatever.

Let's get started, shall we?

Things You Should Know About Me
First and foremost, the above picture does not reflect what I really look like. It's all about the angle, lighting, and (occasionally) filters.

That's more like it. And yes. That is me with a (very tall) leprechaun.

Moving along now...

I don't drink coffee.
Isn't that, like, against the mom code or something?
No, I'm not an alien. I still have to have my caffeine.
It's just that it's in the form of tea or energy drinks.

Bathroom time is MY time.
And I mean that. If I'm in the bathroom, you leave me alone.
The bathroom is like my mini-vacation.
I don't care if I'm in there for two days--don't come a'knockin.

I was a wild teenager.
At first, I thought that everyone was a wild teenager.
I soon realized that I was wrong. I learned a lot during those years and I kind of got the "crazy" out of my system.

Laundry is my worst enemy.
It's not putting it in the washer and dryer that bother me.
It's folding and putting it away that I loathe.
I'll put baskets of clean clothes in the bedrooms so I don't see it.
That is, until it starts consuming everything in it's path.

I'm addicted to sweet tea and energy drinks.
I used to drive to McDonald's for the tea.
Then, my husband started making it at home.
My house smells like roasted marshmallows when it's brewing.
Yum. I drink a lot of it. Too much of it.
Oh, and Red Bull gives me wings. What's not to like?
Out of my way, Mary Poppins! I don't need an umbrella!
I was instantly drawn to my husband.
You know how in the movies, a guy walks into a room,
the clouds part, the sun shines down on him, and the choir sings?
Yeah. That.
I live for the moments when I laugh so hard I feel like I'm going to pee my pants.
I love staying up late.
And then I hate it in the morning. But mama needs her down time.
I smoke cigarettes.
Grill me. Go ahead.
I know it's a bad habit. I know I should have never picked it up. But guess what? I did. And no, I don't smoke in my home, and I don't smoke in the car with my kids.
My #1 best friend is my little sister.
And she always will be. She's my rock.
She already knows all of this stuff.
I absolutely cannot stand for my hands to be dry.
Come into my house and you'll find bottles of lotion sprinkled throughout. If my hands are dry, I have to find lotion right then and there, or else I won't touch anything.
I don't keep medicine in the medicine cabinet.
And my medicine cabinet is terribly unorganized.
My husband always gets on to me about that.
I keep my medicine in the kitchen cabinet.
Why? I have no idea.
I have a warped sense of humor--and most people don't know.
I'm very, very, very conservative and aware of myself in public.
If we're not "cool"--and I mean you-see-my-house-a-mess-and-I-don't-care cool, then you probably haven't had a taste of my dementedness. And yes...dementedness.
I have a terrible habit of collecting papers.
Coupons, sales ads, old bills, random scribblings--you name it, if it's on paper, I've got it. I seriously have drawers in the house stashed with papers. Oh, and there are baskets. And closets.
It's a family tradition that's been passed down for generations.
Minor hoarding, if you will.
A clean house makes me a happy girl.
Cleaning, on the other hand, does not. I loathe cleaning.
It'd be fine if I didn't clean it, only to turn around and it be a mess again. How does that even happen? Oh yeah. Because kids are like poltergeists.
It freaks me out if my kid(s) cough while sleeping.
I'm afraid they're going to choke.
I have anxiety for hours after my child coughs while sleeping, even if I check on them every 5 minutes.
I really, really, really want a tattoo.
But I won't get one until I know with 100% certainty what I want and where I want it.
I despise snow, unless it's Christmas.
The only thing I like about the cold is the ability to wear scarves.
I only like snow on Christmas. End of story.
One day, I want to be recognized by complete strangers.
I don't want to be famous. I simply want to be known.
I want people to recognize me, but I don't want to be "cool enough" for them to want to take their picture with me. Does that make sense?
I just want to be known for something, I just don't know what that something is yet.
I am oblivious to "fashion."
I like scarves, knee-high and calf-high boots, hoodies, earrings, and jeans--not in that order. And if I feel like wearing all of the aforementioned items together, then I damn sure will. I very rarely wear dresses/skirts and I never wear high heels. You'll never catch me in shorts--I never show my legs in public unless I'm swimming.
I'm obsessed with all things nail related.
Nail polish, top coats, base coats, nail art, rhinestones, nail brushes, decals--everything. I used to do my nails every other day, or when they chipped. Today, I just don't have the time or the patience to wait for them to dry.
I'm the "shy girl."
I'm an introvert. I'm very quiet. It freaks people out sometimes.
I'm an observer, and people often mistake me for a bitch, but I promise you, I'm not.
I am very insecure of my smile.
It actually pains me to write about this.
I dream of a beautiful, white, movie-star smile.
My teeth just aren't in the best shape.
I've had a lot of fillings, and many are discolored.
When my hair is black and I'm wearing black, I feel comfortable.
My hair is naturally dark brown, but when it's black, I'm in my element.
I like the "dark" look and I'm 100% comfortable rocking it.
I have a lot of "junk" in my house.
I have a "junk drawer" and a "catch all" in almost every room of the house. Because where else do you put paper clips, shoe strings, little metal clasp thingies, and thumbtacks?
I love virtual window shopping.
I'll fill up my e-cart, and then click out of the website once I see my total.
I'm a Cincinnati Bengals fan.
I'm a homebody.
I love being at home. It's my castle. My safe place.
I can walk around in a tank top without people staring at my cleavage.
Unless, of course, you're my husband.
Nothing motivates me to clean my house like company.
If you think I should get off of my ass and start cleaning, tell me that you're coming over. It'll be spotless in no time.
I have three regrets in life.
One. My "first time."
Two. Dropping out of high school.
Three. Fighting with my parents so much as a teenager.
So, there you go. You now know more about me than most people. Congratulations.
Go ahead and share with me. What are some things about you that other people should know if you're going to be BFFs?

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The Mom Tag

I saw this on Owls & Monsters and thought I'd take some time to fill it out and share with you. It's actually part of a "mom tag" thing, where you're supposed to tag other mommy bloggers, but being that I'm new to the mommy blogger realm, I don't really have anyone to tag.

That being said, I'm simply going to answer the questions without tagging anyone.


1. Are you a Stay at Home Mom, or a Working Mom?
I'm a full-time stay at home mom and housewife. 

2. Would you have it any other way?
I enjoy being a full-time mom, but there are days that I feel like working outside of the home would be a "break." All of you other stay-at-home moms know what I mean! Also, my husband works 14 hours a day, so if I could make enough money, I'd love to give him time to spend at home with the kids while I work.

3. Do you co-sleep?
Not currently, although I have before. My son slept with us for awhile when he was a baby--it took a long time to get him back into his own room. He is now 6-years-old and sleeps like a rock in his own bed. He has an awesome sleep schedule. Our daughter slept next to me in her bassinet and pack-and-play until she was 8 months old. She is now one, and sleeps in her own crib. Her sleep schedule is all over the place. She still wakes up twice a night.

4. What is your one must-have item for your baby?
Dr. Brown's bottles! Both of my children had feeding issues--gas, stomach upset, etc.--but when we switched to Dr. Brown's bottles, the problems seemed to disappear. I totally recommend them! We'll never use another brand of bottle.

5. How many kids do you plan on having?
I have two, and to be honest, that's all I plan on having. One boy. One girl. The end.

6. Date night? How many nights per month?
What's that? Ha! Seriously. My husband works way too much and at the moment, we don't have a babysitter, so we don't do date night. And if we do go on a date, it's a family date. ;)

7. Your childs favorite show?
My son's favorite show changes a lot, but right now, it's Animal Mechanicals. He also likes Power Rangers, Monster Math Squad, Scooby-Doo, and The Magic School Bus. Ireland watches a few things on Netflix, but she mainly likes the intros. She likes Ruby Gloom, Monster Math Squad, Pingu, and Bonnie-Bear.

8. Name one thing you bought before you had your baby and never ended up using?
With Carter, we used almost everything. With Ireland, however, we used the Bumbo Seat maybe twice. She sat up well on her own pretty early, so I never really saw a use for it. Oh, there were also about 5 pairs of shoes that were given to us that we never used. She wasn't walking at the time, so I never saw a use for them. I'm practical.

9. Your child’s favorite food?
Carter likes noodles and popcorn shrimp. And anything sweet, of course! Ireland likes everything, but one of her favorite foods is yogurt.

10. How many cars does your family have?
We have one vehicle. Honda Accord. We get great gas mileage compared to our previous cars.

11. Weight gain before pregnancy, during and after and now?
Before Carter, I weighed 160. I gained 40 pounds. Afterward, I dropped down to 180. I continued to gain after that. Before Ireland was conceived, I weighed about 190. I topped out at about 228 during my pregnancy. I'm not sure what weight I'm at now, but I'd say near the 190-200 mark.

12. Dream holiday with your kids?
If we're talking about a place we've been before, I'd take them to Burr Oak Cabin to enjoy train rides, boating, and campfires. If we're talking about a place we've never been, I'd want to take them to Great Wolf Lodge! Indoor waterpark, for the win!

13. Dream holiday without your kids?
Ah, this is a hard one! I've never seen the ocean, so I would love to do that. I'd also love to travel to the mountains of Tennessee. My husband once mentioned going to the east coast to watch the sunrise, and in the same day, heading to the west coast to watch it set. Wouldn't that be something?

14. How has your life changed since your baby has been born?
When Carter was born, I changed a lot. I moved in with Justice, and I became more responsible, more serious, and I even lost a lot of friends. It didn't bother me very much, because people drift as their priorities change, but I was pretty lonely for awhile. After Ireland was born, my life became far more hectic. She's very attached to me, so it became hard to get things done, and even harder to get 5 hours of straight sleep!

15. Finish the sentence: 'It makes my heart melt to see … '
It makes my heart melt to see Carter playing with Ireland. I think back to when he was an only child--and then when he found out he was going to have a baby sister. He's grown up so much. It's crazy. They laugh together, dance together, and play together. Sometimes, they get mad at each other, though. It's actually pretty funny at times.

16. Where do you shop for your kids?
I like to check out thrift stores for clothes before spending a fortune anywhere else. If I can't find what I'm looking for, Walmart and Meijer are usually my go-to when it comes to clothes for them. We purchase most of the things we need from Walmart as well.

17. Favorite makeup and skincare products?
I don't have a favorite brand, but in my purse I typically have foundation, pressed powder, bronzer, mascara, chap-stick, and eyeliner. For my skin, I almost always have lotion on hand. If my hands get dry, I panic! In the shower, I always have an exfoliating body wash.

18. Huggies or Pampers?
Neither. I use Luvs. It's weird, because when Carter was a baby, Huggies were the only diapers that didn't leak, and Luvs were terrible for him. For Ireland, though, Huggies AND Pampers would leak, so we switched to Luvs and they're great for her. I swear, the brand of diapers you use depends on the baby.

19. Have you always wanted kids?
Surprisingly, no! My whole life plan was completely different than what it turned out to be. I wanted to be single--never marry--and move to California. Once I met Justice, I kind of changed my mind about kids. Next thing I know, Carter was born, and 6 years later, Ireland was born. Justice and I have been together for 8 years, married for two, and we live in a cozy little town in Ohio. Perfection.

20. Best part about being a mom?
Oh, there are so many! I love watching them grow, learn, and seeing them express themselves. Their personalities are amazing. There are so many things that we could learn from children.

If you liked this little "survey," go ahead and copy and paste it to your blog and fill it in!

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