Life would be very boring without kids

Today is the first time in months that the kids have been away for a few hours.

It's eerily quiet in my house. Usually, when the kids are home and it's quiet, I immediately go running to see what they're getting into.

But not right now. It's just me and Buddha. He's just lying by the door, probably waiting on the kids to come back.

It's oddly clean in here, too. The living room floor is free of LEGOs.There are no chocolate-y hand prints on the table.

Ah, peace.

Well, not exactly.

You know, as moms, we always long for this moment. But when it comes, we have no idea what to do with ourselves.

That "calm" that we long for never really comes. It only comes once the kids are back; safe and sound in the home.

Yet, we, as moms, need these breaks every now and then. I used to think that breaks were to unwind and relax, but truth is, I don't relax at all when they're gone. Instead, I think these moments are to make us appreciate our time with our children that much more.

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